Friday, June 22, 2012

Very Good Advice

Vacuum regularly and thoroughly. It may come as a surprise that something as simple as regular vacuuming can have a big impact on the air you breathe. When vacuuming, remember to keep the following guidelines in mind:

Use slow, repetitive front-to-back motions in an overlapping sequence. A quick once-over doesn't do much. Move slightly to the left or to the right every four strokes.
Don't ignore the corners or crevices where dust builds. Use the proper attachments to clean those difficult-to-reach areas.
"Top-down" cleaning saves you the step of vacuuming after dusting. Dust blinds, windowsills, and furniture surfaces first and then vacuum away any fallen dust.
Remember to remove and replace or empty vacuum bags when they are half to two-thirds full.

Remember it's also important to have the carpets, area rugs and furniture cleaned at least once a year to insure a healthy living environment.


  1. True, vacuuming helps clean a carpet and other areas of the home. While you can do most of the cleaning, calling in a certified cleaning professional is very important.

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    1. Good advice. We recommend professional cleaning every 6 months for our carpet cleaning in las vegas business

  3. My carpet gets dirty very easily. Do you know of a good business for carpet cleaning in Eagle River AK? Thanks.

  4. Very interesting article! It is great to know that vacuuming often helps keep the air and carpet clean. I also liked the comment about having it cleaned at least once a year. Where would you suggest forcarpet cleaning in Calgary? Thanks!

  5. Preventative cleaning such as maintaining problem areas such as entryways make it much easer for regular professional carpet cleaning to be more effective and to have better results.

  6. Very informative topic, this will surely help me improve my business and also good for most homeowners to educate them with these interesting facts.

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  7. Great post. You have given simple tip but its more important. We should do vacuuming to carpet on regular basis. It will not decease indoor air quality as well as it will lack germs and moisture.

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  8. Thank you for such informative cleaning advice.

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  9. Thanks for sharing this article, it has really been a very helpful read. I've been thinking about getting more involved with chicago carpet cleaning for some time. I guess we'll get it all figured out soon enough, thanks for sharing everything!

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  11. A lot of valuable information on this page. The moths and dust mites are a potential threat to carpet users health.There may be colonies of dust mites feeding on Dead skin flakes deposited on carpets, So the carpets need to be cleaned carefully and also must not lose their color, texture and other properties after washing or cleaning procedures. Ruckstuhl carpets are durable, even under hard conditions, and have a long service life.

  12. Yes, indeed, regular cleaning can reduce microbes and improves visual look.

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  14. This is actually really good advice. I had no idea that there was a pattern you should follow when vacuuming. I feel like because I have kids I should probably vacuum more than regular. Not only are they spilling stuff on it but they are also are playing with their legos or other toys on it.

  15. Thanks for the good advice..!!
    #Stacey, you are right.

  16. Great information! Thanks for sharing this post, I gained lot of information after reading this blog. If you need a carpet cleaning services please contact carpet cleaning seattle


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